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Tips - perfect for nail extension
Nail tips are a popular method of nail plate extension. No wonder that many women prefer this technique - after all it's simple and extremely effective. It can be used to achieved perfect manicure in a blink of an eye. All you need are ready-made tips and a lasting glue. This method provides nails that will maintain their perfect state for over two weeks. It is also good to know that they differ in shapes; some of them look like almonds but there are also more round or square-like available.
Nail forms - an alternative to tips
The nail plate can be also extended using a special form. Instead of gluing it on the nail, we apply it underneath its sides. We then use acrylic or gel mass to form the nail and later remove the form . Both tips and forms are a great way to achieve a lasting manicure. Thanks to these technique we can later move on to the next part of stylization, the decoration of nails with colours and patterns.