Activators, Fiberglass, Silk & Glues
Browse web store for a wide range of cosmetics and accessories necessary for care and stylization of the nail plate, among which you will find highest quality activators. Their task is to improve durability of hybrid polish, cured in UV or LED lamp, but also nails created using the dip gel system. Activators are becoming increasingly popular, being used mostly, but not only, by professional nail technicians. They not only make polish last longer, but also serve the task of strengthening the nail plate. It's a product rich in regenerative nutrients, helping to rebuild damaged nails.
Glues and fiberglass
It is hard to grow long natural nails. And if one succeeds, they are unfortunately still prone to damage. Cracks on nail plate are the most common problem, often forcing their owners to shorten them. You can prevent it by using fiberglass. With its help, you can save almost every broken nail. Cut a suitable strip and apply it at the crack using special glue. This kind of bandage repairs damaged nail plate very well and postpones the need to shorten the nail. These products not only serve as repair tools, they can be also used during the process of lengthening the nails. The glue that we offer is incredibly effective and easy to apply; it can be successfully used on natural nail plate and works great for tips. Also, it is very efficient - a tiny amount is enough to hold tips on the nail plate for a long time.