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Despite many new nail extension techniques being developed, acrylic manicure is remaining very popular. Long, shiny nails not only present themselves beautifully but also solve many problems, like weak nail plate or bad habit of biting fingernails. Doing acrylic manicure requires using many products, including acrylic liquid. 

How to choose the right liquid?

A well chosen liquid will provide nail technicians with comfort of work, at the same time allowing for achieving expected results. For starters, consider choosing between clear and coloured monomer liquids. The clear ones will help maintain natural colour of the nail plate. Nails will gain fresh and healthy look. Blue tinted liquids will result in stylizations with deep transparency. Both types are used depending on stylizations' requirements. People sensitive to acrylic liquid smell can browse a range of odorless liquids. Acrylic manicure should be characterized by its durability, hence the liquid itself should be checked for adhesion to the nail plate.

What distinguishes our liquids?

We took great care for our liquids to fulfill their function in the best way available. Their greatest advantage is lack of crystallization. Don't worry about early drying. Acrylic base created when mixing liquid and powder can only be cured in a UV lamp, resulting in professional and beautiful nails. Furthermore, our liquids are enriched in a special anti-yellowing formula. It's a very important aspect, allowing for keeping aesthetic presentation for a long time. Our products are also characterized by delicate smell, positively affecting the comfort during work. 

Acrylic liquids - not only for professionals

Among people working with Cuccio acrylic liquids you will find both professional nail technicians and beginners. That's why we provide high quality products at a good price. Using a fine liquid results not only in beautiful and effective nails; it is also a way to achieve customers' approval and loyalty.


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